
How To Reduce The Potential Risk Of Drones?

May 17th 2016

The low-cost of buying and operating remotely piloted aircraft (drones) for commercial use has opened up a world of opportunity. With drones uses emerging in search and rescue, surveying, crop dusting and even deliveries, accidents, injuries and the potential for lawsuits are bound to follow. Some businesses are beginning to look at opportunities to revolutionize how basic services and dangerous tasks might be performed in the future. However, to revolutionize drones and make it more widely used, solving the potential risk of drones is the first and foremost task.

22 1. Natural Environment

Drones should avoid flying in complex terrain as far as possible to ensure the safety problem. We can’t fly drones in storm, high temperature and high humidity, rainy, cold or windy days. But on the other hand, many dangerous missions can be only done by drones.Then we need to adjust our mind, after all, the pilot's life is far more important than drone’s.

2. Safety by design

The responsibility of safe drone use does not just fall on the user. Manufacturers have recognised the importance of technology in developing drone safety. The spareparts like flight control system, motors, prepellers, ESC and esc. Parts made by manufacturers should be in stable quality that they won’t easily broken, spcially in flying. And the drones battery used are supposed to be in good quality and condition, or the drone would drop down once the battery cann’t work and support it. A good battery like Tattu,Turnigy with excellent and stable and they are lighter, so they are well recommended here for you.


3. Misoperation

When flying in the sky, drones need to be operated and controlled by pilots on the ground. Cause drones autopilot cannot think, the flying track is completely controlled by command of ground pilots. To avoid errors caused by accident, on the one hand, the flight control system should be made more intelligent and has alarm function to the wrong operation.On the other hand, pilots should also improve operating level to fly more stable and professional.

4. Reduce the weight

Weight is one of the most effective way to reduce the potential risk of drones. This will come true with the emerging of light-duty and miniaturization of equipments and materials. On the other hand, multirotors equipped with parachute is another good choice to reduce the impact when drones falling.

5.Set no-fly zone

Geo-fencing, is an on-board GPS and mapping system (also known as "cyber fences") which prevents drones from flying into restricted airspace. There is a recognised need at the European Commission to encourage investment in technologies that are required to integrate drones into the aviation systems covering European airspace. As long as no flying in the densely populated areas, a drone’s crash won't cause a severe damage to human. But in the densely populated area, the negative impact of drone’s crash will increase greatly. Without special approval, drones should not be flying in the densely populated are which will result in life risks. In addition, in the sparsely area, pilots can send massage to surrounding people to improve safety coefficient. To improve drones’ safety and efficiency is the first step for more widely and variety used in many areas, so it requires manufacturers and hobbists effort together. Keep in mind the above 5 points, we will fly and enjoy our hobby in a more pleasant and safely environment. More about lipo battery: