How to get the best lipo battery for quadcopter
Mar 20th 2017
What lipo battery should we get? Basically, getting the best lipo battery for quadcopter is not an easy task especially for beginners. Given their diverse applications, knowing the best quadcopter battery can really be a daunting affair.
Things to consider before getting the best lipo battery for quadcopter.
1. Cell Count
Battery voltage or the cell count is an important parameter that need to be noted before you purchase any battery. With a higher cell count, performance is maintained above par. However,higher cell counts translate to an increase in weight which, in some cases, affects performance. For this reason,battery voltage needs to be checked before you purchase any battery.2. The Size
Size is crucial. Different batteries have different sizes in terms of dimensions as well as weight.You have to be clear on the specific size which best suites your quadcopter. In fact, failure to understand this factor can really mess up your experience.3. The C-Rating
C-Rating is yet another crucial aspect that need to be checked before you decide to settle for any battery for your quadcopter. Batteries with an extremely low discharge rating often result in under-performance. However, this does not necessarily imply that those with the hightest C-Rating are the best since they are heavier. You need to get a battery whose C rating is convenient for your quadcopter.4. The Connector Type
There are several battery connectors, the entire process of soldering battery connectors can be tiring and hectic at times. It is always a good idea for one to maintain a given connector type. This way, you are able to make fast and quick connections without having to waste time doing numerous "trial and error" procedures.5. Quality
Of course, the performance of any battery boils down to its quality. The quality of any lipo battery you get for your quadcopter needs to be impressive. Getting a low-quality battery can really spoil that exciting moment for you.6. Price
Although not a basic consideration, I find it hard to detach quality from the price at times. And yes, although the most expensive batteries for you quadcopter might not be the best ones, in most cases, price really affects the quality. For that reason, although you do not have to necessarily get the most expensive batteries, it is advisable that you get a battery whose price is a reflection of its quality.